• By Nhat Quan
    Each Buddha realm is a Pure Land. There are countless Buddhas, which means there are countless Pure Lands. When Shakyamuni Buddha preached the Medicine Master Sutra, he described the Eastern Pure Land of Medicine Master Buddha as similar to the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. The ground is made of lapis lazuli in that Buddha realm, and many rows of precious trees line the boundary. The palaces, windows, eaves, and solemn beauty comprise the seven treasures. Thus, the Eastern Pure Land is also extremely magnificent, an ideal place for you to pray to be reborn there. The method of praying to be reborn in the Eastern Pure Land is to recite the Medicine Master Sutra, recite the Medicine Master Mantra, and recite the name of Medicine Master Buddha. According to the venerable monks who have practiced this Dharma, it is clear that the Medicine Master Mantra contains the name Medicine Master Buddha, so reciting the mantra is also reciting the name of the Buddha.
    Medicine Master Buddha is a Buddha who has an affinity and is close to living beings in the Saha world. He is the Supreme Medicine King, compassionate and pitiful to all sick and suffering beings. So you should pray to Him for all sick people, and so should those who take care of the sick. Practicing the Medicine Master Dharma, in addition to:
    - Establishing the Medicine Master Dharma Hall
    - Reciting the Medicine Master Sutra
    - Reciting the name of the Medicine Master Buddha
    - Practicing Medicine Master Meditation
    - Reciting the Medicine Master Initiation Mantra
    - Offering Medicine Master Lamps
    - Making a Medicine Master Buddha statue
    You can also develop the mind to do charity. Because the Medicine Master Buddha, in addition to paying attention to treating illnesses, also cares about the poor, those who lack food, clothing, and material means. So all humanitarian and charitable deeds in this life are in the Medicine Master Buddha's Original Vow, you can pray to Him.
    So when you want to make a vow to go to the East, you should do charity now, use the merit of reciting the Medicine Master Sutra, reciting the Medicine Master Buddha, reciting the Medicine Master mantra, and doing charity to pray for rebirth in the Eastern Pure Land. At the same time, dedicated to the poor, the sick, and all sentient beings in the Dharma realm. At the same time, tell everyone to listen and believe in the Medicine Buddha, the miraculous things of the sutra, the name, and the Medicine Buddha mantra.
    No matter what Dharma you practice, you can pray to the Medicine Buddha to have less illness and less suffering so that you can practice more conveniently. Once you have practiced, you have many ways to resolve your karma:
    - Repent, recite Buddha's name, and practice countermeasures such as: If you killed animals in the past, now release animals, if you stole in the past, now give alms...
    Some people think that asking for help from the Medicine Buddha is not understanding the law of Cause and Effect. But you did not do anything wrong, your prayer is by the Original Vows of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, so that you have time to correct your past mistakes. Remember, the Buddha and Bodhisattvas guide and help you, not erase your karma. You solve your karma.
    For those of you who practice medicine, Eastern or Western medicine, if possible, I encourage you to worship the Medicine Buddha. Because you and those who like to do charity are working for the Medicine Buddha, it is easier to pray for rebirth in the Eastern Pure Land. Those who perform acupuncture, acupressure, rescue. Those who repair bridges, build roads, provide relief, and give alms of rice porridge in hospitals. The Association for Supporting Poor Patients, and preventing floods and storms are all people who are secretly working for the Medicine Buddha. If you know that you have a huge account of merit, then you should not embezzle or reduce the charity money.
    Those who practice the Medicine Buddha Sutra and recite the Medicine Buddha Mantra will not be afraid of being cursed by anyone. Therefore, if there is a house that is cursed, a person is cursed, or a spell is cast on them, if it is true, then you can resolve it yourself by the inconceivable power of the Medicine Buddha Sutra and the Medicine Buddha Mantra.
    To deal with daily worries, you can silently or loudly recite the name of Medicine Buddha:
    - Namo Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light King Buddha
    To pray for the elimination of bad karma and longevity, recite:
    - Namo Medicine Master Buddha Who Eliminates Disasters and Extends Life.
    When visiting a seriously ill relative in the hospital, instead of hugging, caressing, and crying, you should happily bless the sick person by silently reciting the name of the Medicine Buddha and dedicating the merits to them. This is a very practical spiritual comfort that anyone can do without needing money. Those sick people feel better quickly without knowing why, and you have just performed a paramita of charity. Practice spreading compassion to strangers, and understand that Buddhist work can be done anywhere, anytime when your mind always thinks of good. Because you think of good, you have good things to do. When good things are like waves, you will always be busy with good things without getting tired.
    Talking about illness and treatment, you see that Western medicine completely understands that illness can have psychological origins, but Western medicine cannot understand that illness is caused by karma. And if the sick person realizes that the illness itself is caused by karma, then you will know how to cure yourself. Illnesses caused by karma are often undiagnosable, so medicine cannot cure them, so you must treat them with therapies such as:
    - Releasing animals, repenting, reciting Buddha's name, reciting mantras, giving alms, keeping precepts, etc.
    A pharmacy can sell modern medicine, oriental medicine, and traditional medicine, but it does not sell Dharma medicine. Only those who practice the Medicine Master Dharma Door have Dharma medicine. According to the Medicine Buddha Sutra, Medicine Buddha always aims at:
    - Poor patients, those with incurable diseases, this is mentioned in the 7th vow.
    - Taking care of sentient beings to have enough food, clothing, and supplies, vows 3, 11, and 12.
    - Not letting sentient beings fall into evil paths, heretics, or be harmed by spells, vows 4, 9.
    - Pitying sentient beings who are imprisoned and suffering in prison, vow 10.
    Understanding the Medicine Buddha's Original Vow, you should consider which illness or difficulty you are in, and which vow number corresponds to it, then your vow or prayer will certainly be fulfilled.
    Although Shakyamuni Buddha introduced the Pure Land of Medicine Buddha in the East, 10 Ganges Buddha lands away from this Saha world. But based on the aspects of practice and vows, you see that the Medicine Buddha does not seem to be that far away from this Saha world, but rather He is right in the middle of this life, very close to you, that is why there is a saying:
    - If you pray, you will receive.
    All Buddhas are directed towards sentient beings. As for the Medicine Buddha, He has such a predestined relationship with us, so you are the ones who have the predestined relationship to know and hear a lot about Him, you should make a vow or practice without any hesitation. Because the Medicine Buddha said, from the realm of Hungry Ghosts or Animals, if any of you can still remember His name to recite, you will immediately be freed from that life, reborn as a human, and you will still remember your previous life and know how to give alms. You should know, that not everyone has the predestined relationship to hear the name of the Medicine Buddha. As Sakyamuni Buddha said:
    - Ananda, it is difficult to obtain a human body, but it is even more difficult to wholeheartedly believe and respect the Three Jewels, let alone hear the name of the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata.
    In the Eastern Pure Land, the Medicine Buddha also gives those who break the precepts a chance to recover, according to the 5th vow, but you understand that this favor is not repeated.
    Someone asked:
    - Who is the target of being guided to the Eastern Pure Land?
    The answer is:
    - Priority is given to monastics with many years of seniority and lay people and those who have diligently studied for many years.
    Seeing this, you clearly understand that the seniority of monks and the practice of lay people and you are all highly valued by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Therefore, you should diligently make vows and try to practice this aspect of practice.
    According to the sutras, the standard for rebirth in the Eastern Pure Land is equivalent to the standard for rebirth in the Western Pure Land. The original text in the sutra is:
    - Again, Manjushri, if among the four groups of Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, Upasikas, and those with pure faith, good men and women, there is anyone who can uphold the eight precepts, for one year or one year and three months. Relying on the precepts as a place to practice, then using that good root, vows to be born in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where Amitabha Buddha teaches, to hear the Dharma. But if in your mind you have not yet decided, but if you hear the name of the Medicine Buddha Lapis Lazuli Light, then at the time of death, there will be eight Bodhisattvas who will show you the way, and you will be naturally born among the colorful jeweled flowers in the Pure Lapis Lazuli Land.
    Similar to the Western Pure Land Rebirth Mantra, the Medicine Master Abhisekana Mantra is a means not only for rebirth in the Eastern Pure Land, but this Mantra has the following functions:
    • Curing illness
    • Longevity
    • Fulfilling one's wishes
    • Eliminating karmic obstacles
    The original text of the mantra is as follows:
    - Nam mô bạt xà phạt đế, bệ sắc xả, lũ lô thích lưu ly, bát lặc bà hắc ra xà dã, đát tha yết đa da a ra hắc đế, tam miệu tam bột đà da: đát điệt tha. Án bệ sắc thệ, bệ sắc thệ, bệ sắc xả, tam một yết đế tóa ha.
    From the passage:
    - Nam mô bạt xà phạt đế, bệ sắc xả, lũ lô thích lưu ly, bát lặc bà hắc ra xà dã, đát tha yết đa da a ra hắc đế, tam miệu tam bột đà da, which means:
    - Taking refuge in the World-Honored One Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha.
    The three words: Đát điệt tha mean:
    - As here follows.
    And the main text of the mantra:
    - Án bệ sắc thệ, bệ sắc thệ, bệ sắc xả tam một yết đế tóa ha.
    According to the sutras:
    - The merit of reciting the Medicine Master Sutra, printing the sutra, preaching it, thinking about its meaning, enshrining it, storing it in a five-colored bag, and the merit of making offerings to the Dharma Master will make all your wishes come true, you will attain the Bodhi fruit, and the four Heavenly Kings and countless relatives will come to make offerings and protect you.
    So making a vow to be born in the Eastern Land, or practicing the Medicine Master Dharma is aiming for Buddhahood, and currently, there are always hidden Gods to help. This practice is also not approached by any demons or ghosts because it is respectful of the power of the twelve Great Yaksha Generals. It is a practice of sharp faculties, bright wisdom, and in addition, being well-read, often meeting good friends. Life after life, you will completely cut off the net of demonic karma, no more afflictions, escape from birth, old age, sickness, death, and all the pain and sorrow.
    If in your life, you are often haunted by ghosts. If this is true, then you should use the Right Dharma to cure it, not listen to evil methods to exorcise ghosts and curse demons. Using the True Dharma is:
    - On the one hand, you pray for the soul,
    - On the other hand, you recite the Medicine Master Sutra, you also need to recite the name of the Medicine Master Buddha.
    The result is certain, and you will not lose money and suffer.
    Sometimes, the homeowner often worries about being cursed by the carpenter or mason when building. When you understand the Medicine Master Sutra, you will have nothing to worry about. You just need to, first of all, treat the carpenter or mason well, then on the day you move into the new house, you should recite the Medicine Master Sutra once, offer a vegetarian meal, and all the curses, if any, will be dissolved.
    If you practice diligently at the Medicine Master Monastery for seven days and nights, you will get whatever you wish for. For example, pray for a long life, pray for wealth, pray for an official position, etc.
    The act of lighting lamps and hanging banners for longevity as taught in the Medicine Master Sutra is also beyond your imagination. When a sick person is near death, but if his or her life is not over and the family is sincere, that is a way to bring him or her back to life. Even Master Ananda was surprised and asked Rescue Bodhisattva:
    - Why can a life that has ended still be lived?
    Rescue Bodhisattva replied:
    - Only by reciting the Medicine Master Sutra, such a miracle can happen.
    If natural disasters such as droughts, storms, and epidemics occur, the sutra instructs you to pray to the Medicine Master. When you recite the Buddha's name and recite the Medicine Master Sutra, you will not suffer from the nine untimely deaths, meaning you will not die an untimely death.
    In the 7th, 8th, and 9th vows, it is said that:
    - Just hearing the name of the Medicine Master will bring peace of mind and body, abandon the female body, leave the devil's path, ... until you attain the unsurpassed Bodhi fruit.
    If farmers pray to the Medicine Buddha, their crops will be bountiful without the need to spray pesticides, which is a sin of killing. Those who are unfilial, commit the five heinous crimes, and dishonor the Three Jewels will be punished. Still, they will be saved when they know about the Medicine Buddha, light lamps, make banners, release animals, and cultivate blessings.
    Those who break the precepts, recite the Medicine Buddha, and their precepts will be purified. So you must understand that reciting the Medicine Buddha is a repentance method. Reciting the Medicine Buddha mantra is also repentance because it has the power to remove all karmic obstacles. You should know that the Medicine Master Repentance Method is a Great Repentance method, consisting of 3 volumes, with 194 prostrations.
    According to the 5th vow, monks entering the rainy season retreat, or Buddhists observing the Eight Precepts should remember to recite and bow to the Medicine Master to be fully protected by the three pure precepts.
    Reciting and bowing to the Medicine Master is a guarantee of not encountering evil teachers and evil friends. Reciting the name of the Medicine Master, you will be protected throughout your entire life of practice, have all the necessities, not go astray, not be sick, not be tempted by demons, and not be in danger of breaking the precepts. Practicing in such excellent conditions, you do not ask for protection!
    If in your life you have ever recited or heard the name of the Medicine Master, even though you are still drifting in samsara, you will forever carry that good seed with you; so that whenever you remember it, you will be saved. Hearing the name of the Medicine Master, you will have a supernatural power to prevent you from falling into the abyss of breaking the precepts, being arrogant, criticizing the Dharma, and forming gangs with demons.
    If an evil bird comes to your garden or house, appearing in hundreds of strange ways, making you afraid. It's okay. Just recite the name of the Medicine Master and you will no longer have to worry about anything.
    Therefore, when talking about the protection of the Medicine Buddha, you will not fall into disasters:
    - Fire, flood, being poisoned, being eaten by wild animals, being bitten by snakes, war, robbery, that is a peaceful life that everyone wishes for.
    Therefore, when you read or recite sutras, you should think about the meaning, and if possible, you should accept and copy the sutras. You should offer the necessary things to the Dharma Master so that there is no shortage. If you do this wholeheartedly, the Buddhas will protect you and fulfill all your wishes, until you attain the Bodhi fruit.
    Currently, you see that there are two popular Pure Land tendencies, so before helping someone about to die, you need to know the Dharma practice and their wishes. If that person often recites the name of the Medicine Buddha, you should help them recite the name of the Medicine Buddha. If that person often recites the name of Amitabha Buddha, you should help them recite the name of Amitabha Buddha so that their rebirth is compatible.
    Here you see that the compassion of Medicine Buddha extends to all evil beings. He saves beings who are stingy with their parents, those who break the precepts, those who follow evil ways, those who fall into hell, hungry ghosts, and animals. Dying beings have never known Him, but when someone suggests it, and the dying person has just one thought of reciting His name, He immediately sends eight great Bodhisattvas to come and pick them up. In the end, there has never been a case that He did not save.
    In short, the principles of practice and vows to be reborn in the Eastern Pure Land of the Medicine Buddha are no different from the Western Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha. Even the Medicine Master Abhisekana mantra is very similar to Amitabha Buddha's Spirit Mantra For Rebirth in the Pure Land:
    - Both have the function of removing all karmic obstacles
    - Both are means to seek rebirth
    However, when talking about the Medicine Master Dharma, Shakyamuni Buddha said that there are many names:
    - Dharma that preaches the Original Vows and Merits of the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light Tathagata.
    - Dharma that preaches the Twelve Divine Generals' Vows and Mantras to benefit sentient beings
    - Dharma that eliminates all karmic obstacles.
    It can be said that the Medicine Master Sutra has extremely rich content, talking about the Original Vows and Merits of the Medicine Master Buddha. If Shakyamuni Buddha could not finish talking about it in one lifetime, how can you finish talking about it? This is just an introduction, and you have to learn more. Therefore, when reading or chanting the Medicine Master Sutra, you must:
    - Read, chant, contemplate, and teach others to do good deeds.
    You should think about the meaning of the sutra to discover more mysteries and apply the teachings of the sutra to save sentient beings, clearing away the clouds of superstition and heresy. Firmly believe that on every step of doing good, there is always much Buddha light to illuminate the path, especially the light coming from the East.
    If you have any recommendations, please e-mail to: