• By Nhat Quan
    According to the Sutra of the Seven Buddhas of the Original Vows of the Lapis Lazuli Light, Upper Volume, it says:
    - The Eastern World does not have just one Medicine Buddha but seven Buddhas with the same name Medicine Buddha and seven different worlds. Each Buddha, when still cultivating the bodhisattva path, made great vows to transform sentient beings. As Buddhists, especially those who have been and are inclined to practice the Medicine Buddha Dharma, you should know.
    First of all, I would like to introduce to you each Medicine Buddha, and the realms from near to far. First of all:
    1- The World of Victory Light: The leader of this world is the Good Name Auspicious King Buddha. This world is four Sands of Ganges Buddha realms away from the Saha world.
    The Land of Victory Light is completely pure, equal in length and width. Each side measures about a hundred thousand Yojanas, the ground is flat, made of pure gold, and the scent of heaven is fragrant. There are no evil paths, no women, no rocks, and no thorns. This place also has rows of precious trees, with abundant flowers and fruits. There are many bathing pools made of gold, silver, pearls, and other precious things. The Bodhisattvas of this world are all born from seven-jewel lotus flowers. When he was still practicing Bodhisattva, Good Name Auspicious King Buddha once made eight great vows:
    - The first great vow:
    I vow that in the future, when I attain Bodhi if living beings are afflicted with malaria, poisonous insects, or demons to abuse, and if they wholeheartedly recite my name, thanks to the power of that recitation, their illnesses will be eliminated, and they will attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The second great vow:
    I vow that in the future, when I attain Bodhi if living beings are afflicted with deafness, blindness, muteness, stuttering, squint, leprosy, ignorance, or madness, and if they wholeheartedly recite my name, thanks to the power of that recitation, their illnesses will be eliminated, and their faculties will be complete. Just like that, practice until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The third great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi. If sentient beings are bound by greed, anger, and delusion, commit the sin of Avici, commit evil deeds, slander the Dharma, and do not cultivate good Dharma, they should fall straight into hell and suffer much pain. If they wholeheartedly recite my name, thanks to the power of that recitation, the sin of Avici and all karmic obstacles will be eliminated. They will not fall into the evil realms, be born as humans, or ascend to the heavens, and enjoy joys. Just like that, cultivate until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The fourth great vow:
    I vow that in the future, when I attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, if there are sentient beings who do not have enough clothing to cover their bodies, do not have enough food to sustain them through the day, do not have music to play with, do not have incense, flowers, necklaces, jewelry, bedding, or other belongings, if they recite my name, thanks to the power of that recitation, everything will be complete, until they attain Anuttara-sambodhi.
    - The fifth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi, there will be living beings who are bound by great calamities, shackles, and chains, and are beaten and suffer painfully. If they wholeheartedly recite My name, thanks to the power of that recitation, they will be freed from suffering and will continue to cultivate until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The sixth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi if there are living beings who are in dangerous places, about to be harmed by wild animals such as lions, tigers, leopards, bears, wolves, poisonous snakes, scorpions, and slugs, and will cry out in great pain. If they wholeheartedly recite My name, thanks to the power of that recitation, they will no longer have fear and terror, and will cause wild animals to have compassion, and will always be at peace, and will continue to cultivate until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The seventh great vow:
    I vow that in the future, when I attain enlightenment, there will be sentient beings who, because of disputes, cause their minds to be sad, sorrowful, anxious, and miserable. If they wholeheartedly recite my name, through the power of that recitation, both sides will reconcile, and both will give rise to a compassionate heart, and they will cultivate in this way until they attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
    - The eighth great vow: I vow that in the future, when I attain enlightenment, if there are sentient beings on the great ocean, blown by storms, drifting here and there, without a place to anchor, worried and miserable. If they wholeheartedly recite my name, through the power of that recitation, they will be able to reach safe places at will and enjoy happiness, and they will cultivate in this way until they attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
    These are the eight great and noble vows the Tathagata Samyaksambuddha made while cultivating the Bodhisattva path. From the time he started cultivating until he attained enlightenment, the World-Honored One used the power of concentration to teach and transform countless sentient beings, made offerings to the Buddhas, adorned the Buddha-lands, and all the Bodhisattvas and their retinues were fulfilled. If anyone has pure faith, wishes to seek blessings, eliminates afflictions, and recites the name of the Buddha Good Name Auspicious King. Respectfully makes offerings, reads, and recites this sutra, and then all sins, deep and thick karmic obstacles, illnesses, and sufferings will be eliminated, and wishes will follow. Attain Non-retrogression, and continue cultivating like this until he attains the Unsurpassed Bodhi.
    2- The world of miracles:
    The Buddha Jewel Moon Wisdom Adornment Light Sound Self-Mastery King, five Ganga-nadi-valuka Buddha lands away from the Saha world.
    When the Buddha Jewel Moon Wisdom Adornment Avalokitesvara Self-Mastery first started cultivating the Bodhisattva path, he made eight great vows.
    - The first great vow:
    I vow that in the future, when I attain Bodhi, if there are sentient beings who, because of business, trading, or farming, plowing, and sowing, have a worried, sorrowful, and depressed mind, abandoning the practice of supreme Bodhi, cannot cross the river of birth and death, and must endure thousands of pains and sufferings. If they recite my name, thanks to the power of that recitation, they will have enough clothing, food and drink, living necessities, money, and treasures. Their good roots will increase, they will no longer be far from the great Bodhi mind and will escape the evil paths. Just like that, they will cultivate until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The second great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi there will be sentient beings in the worlds throughout the ten directions who are cold, hot, hungry, thirsty, oppressed, and have to endure many painful pains in body and mind. If they wholeheartedly recite my name, thanks to the power of that recitation, all the sins and karma of previous lives will be eliminated, they will no longer suffer, and they will enjoy the joys of the heavenly and human realms. Just like that, cultivate until you attain the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    - The third great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain the Bodhi. If in the worlds throughout the ten directions, there are women whose minds are obscured by lust, who become pregnant many times and are extremely bored, and when they give birth, they suffer pain. If they hear my name and immediately recite it, thanks to the power of that recitation, all suffering will be gone, and after death, they will be born as men. Just like that, cultivate until they attain the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    - The fourth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain the Bodhi. If there are people, either with their parents, or with their brothers, sisters, wives, children, or close friends, who are in a dangerous place, about to be harmed by bandits, and suffer much misery. Once they hear my name and immediately recite it, thanks to that power, they will escape from danger. Just like that, cultivate until they attain the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    - The fifth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain the Bodhi. If there are living beings who, because of their work, have to go out at night, and are disturbed by evil spirits, and are afraid in their hearts. Once they hear my name, they immediately chant it, and thanks to that power, they will reach a place of peace and light, and the evil spirits will give rise to compassion, and they will escape danger. Just like that, they will cultivate until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The sixth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Anuttara-sambodhi, living beings commit evil deeds, do not believe in the Three Jewels, have dark wisdom, do not cultivate good dharma, and do not practice the Dharma. Once they hear my name, if they wholeheartedly chant my name, thanks to the power of that chanting, their wisdom will increase, they will completely cultivate the thirty-seven aids to enlightenment, and have deep faith in the Three Jewels. Just like that, the demons will cultivate until they attain Anuttara-sambodhi.
    - The seventh great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Anuttara-sambodhi, living beings, who prefer inferior dharma, practice the Hinayana dharma, and abandon the supreme and wonderful Mahayana. Once hearing my name, if you wholeheartedly recite my name, your mind will immediately change, abandon the inferior views of the Hinayana, and will no longer retreat from the path of unsurpassed enlightenment. Just like that, cultivate until you attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
    - The eighth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain enlightenment, if there are living beings who, due to the power of evil karma from many previous lives, see the end of their lives approaching, a great fire about to break out, are sad and fearful, cry, wail, suffer much pain, and have no place to rely on. Once hearing my name, if you wholeheartedly recite my name, then all their worries and pain will be eliminated, their bodies and minds will be at peace, and after death, they will be born in a lotus flower in my realm, always cultivating good dharma. Just like that, cultivate until you attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
    These are the eight great and noble vows of the Buddha Jewel Moon Wisdom Adornment Light Sound Self-Mastery King. The Wonderful Jewel Land is vast, clean, and very solemn, the ground is as flat as the palm of a hand. Trees give off heavenly fragrance, grow in rows, heavenly flowers are everywhere, heavenly music resounds, heavenly jewels are attached to lion thrones and inlaid into very solemn bathing pools. The Wonderful Jewel Land has no women, nor are there any afflictions. The ground is soft and smooth, without stones or pebbles, all bodhisattvas are born from lotus flowers. Living beings in this land, just need to think, and they will have enough food, drink, clothing, utensils, and daily necessities. All appear before them according to their minds. Therefore it is called the Wonderful Jewel World.
    If anyone has pure faith, all day and all night, wholeheartedly, respectfully makes offerings and recites the name of that Buddha. At the same time, create a statue of Him to worship, offer fragrant flowers, sing music, burn incense, and rub incense, keep oneself clean for seven days and nights, observe the eight precepts, generate compassion for living beings, and then vow to be born in the Wonderful Treasure Land, then Buddha Jewel Moon Wisdom Adornment Light Sound Self-Mastery King and Bodhisattvas will silently protect. Make that person's sins disappear, no longer retreat from the great Bodhi path, the mind of greed, anger, and delusion will gradually become lighter, no more illness, the life span will increase, all wishes will be fulfilled, haters, enemies, will be happy. In this life, achieve the total concentration of mindfulness. In the next life, be born into a precious lotus flower, in the beautiful realm of Buddha Jewel Moon Wisdom Adornment Light Sound Self-Mastery King. The name of that Buddha is so majestic and virtuous, that if anyone hears it, their wishes will come true.
    3. The World of Perfect Fragrance:
    The master of this world is the Buddha Golden Color Precious Light Wonderful Virtue Accomplishment, six Ganga-nadi-valuka Buddha lands away from Saha. When Buddha Golden Color Precious Light Wonderful Virtue Accomplishment first cultivated, he aspired to practice the Bodhisattva path, and made four great vows:
    - The first great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi, there are living beings who work as butchers and kill living beings. Due to this evil karma, after death, they should fall into hell, or if they are born as humans, they will die young, suffer from illness, be swept away by water, be burned by fire, or be poisoned and die. When they hear my name, they will wholeheartedly recite it, and thanks to the power of that recitation, their evil karma will be eliminated, they will no longer suffer from illness, will not die young, or unjustly, but will instead be healthy and live long. Just like that, cultivate until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The second great vow:
    I vow that in the future, when I attain Bodhi, there are living beings who commit many evil deeds and steal property, after death, they should fall into the evil paths. Or if they are born as humans, they will be born into a lowly family, miserable and destitute, lacking clothing, food, and drink, and will suffer much. When they hear my name, they wholeheartedly recite it, and thanks to the power of that recitation, their evil deeds will be eliminated, and they will have enough clothing, food, and drink. They will practice like this until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The third great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Anuttara-sambodhi, there are living beings who are hostile, insulting, and fighting with each other. Once they hear my name, they wholeheartedly recite it, and thanks to the power of that recitation, they will all give rise to a compassionate heart, treating each other as if they were parents. They will practice like this until they attain Anuttara-sambodhi.
    - The fourth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Anuttara-sambodhi, there are living beings who are bound and covered by greed, anger, and ignorance. The seven groups of monks and laypeople violated the precepts established by the Buddha. After death, one should fall into hell and receive the retribution of immeasurable suffering. Once one hears my name and recites it with all one's heart, through the power of recitation, evil karma is eliminated, afflictions are cut off, they uphold the precepts, and protect the three karmas, never to be lost. Just like that, one cultivates until one attains the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    These are the four great and noble vows the Buddha Golden Color Precious Light Wonderful Virtue Accomplishment made while cultivating the Bodhisattva path. The World of Perfect Fragrance is vast, quiet, clean, and solemn. The ground is made entirely of treasures, flat as the palm of a hand, and the fragrant scent of sandalwood always rises. Some trees always give off a fragrant scent, growing in rows, and beautiful heavenly mani jewels hanging everywhere. The bathing pool is inlaid and decorated with many heavenly treasures, and it is filled with fragrant water that possesses eight precious characteristics. Around the lake, many colorful silks are hung, and there are eight steps for going up and down. The living beings in this world no longer have any worries, pain, or sorrow. There are no women, and most of them are Bodhisattvas of the Ten Grounds. The wonderful music resonates without being played, emitting the sound of the profound and wonderful Mahayana Dharma. Those who hear it will not regress from the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    The reason for this is because of the power of vows and skillful means practiced in the past, Buddha Golden Color Precious Light Wonderful Virtue Accomplishment has created a Buddha realm that is extremely perfect, pure, and solemn. And because of compassion for sentient beings in future lives who are oppressed and bound by greed, anger, and ignorance, who are sick and in pain, and who are harmed by enemies and die unjustly. Also, because of creating evil, they fall into hell and suffer much pain. Therefore, he spoke the mantra so that whoever has the affinity to hear and develop the mind to uphold it will be able to eliminate karmic obstacles, benefit in this life, be far away from suffering, and eventually attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. The Buddha declared:
    - Đát điệt tha, tất lệ, tất lệ, tô tất lệ, mô chiết nễ, mộc sát nễ, mục đế, tì mục đế, am mạt lệ, tì mạt lệ, mang yết lệ, hí lan nhã, yết tì át lạt đát na, yết tì tát bà át tha bà, đát nễ bát ra ma át tha bà, đát nễ mạt nại tế, mạt ha mạt nại tế, át bộ đế, át điệt bộ đế, tì đa bà duệ, tô bạt nễ, bạt ra hám ma cù hiệp khư, bạt ra hám ma trụ hiệp đế, tát bà át thế, sổ nạp ma sa bà, đát tha yết đa nẫm, sa ha.
    If anyone has pure faith, wishes for blessings, or believes in this mantra, then either reads, recites, or explains its meaning to others. Arouse great compassion with all sentient beings, all day and all night respectfully make offerings of incense, flowers, lamps, and candles. Bathing, observing the eight precepts, and reciting the Buddha's name with all sincerity, all the extremely heavy karma will be eliminated. In this life, all afflictions will be far removed, and at the time of death, the Buddhas will guide them, and they will be born into a precious lotus flower in that land.
    4- Worry-Free World:
    The master of this land is the Buddha Worry-Free Supreme Auspicious, seven Ganges sand Buddha lands away from this world.
    The Worry-Free Supreme Auspicious land is vast and solemn; the ground is soft, smooth, clean, and shiny, made of treasures, flat as the palm of a hand, and always emits a fragrant sandalwood scent. The living beings in this land are far removed from afflictions, and there are no words: Worry, suffering, evil paths, or the word woman. Everywhere there are golden bathing pools filled with fragrant water. Precious trees grow in straight rows, and flowers and fruits are luxuriant. The wonderful music resonates without being played, like the pure and solemn scenery in the Pure Land of the Western. When Buddha Worry-Free Supreme Auspicious practiced the Bodhisattva path, he made four great vows.
    - The first great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi, there are living beings whose hearts are always worried, sad, and tormented by suffering. When they hear my name, they wholeheartedly chant it. By the power of that chanting, their worries, sadness, and torment will be eliminated, and they will live peacefully and long. Just like that, cultivate until he attains Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The second great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi, if there are living beings who commit evil deeds, after passing away will fall into the dark Avici hell, and suffer. But because of their previous lives, they have heard my name. Therefore, today, I will shine a light, shining on the sinner. When that person sees this light, his karmic obstacles will be eliminated, he will escape from the hell of suffering and will be born in the heavens or the human realm, depending on his mind, and enjoy peace and happiness. Just like that, cultivate until he attains Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The third great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi If there are living beings who commit evil deeds such as: Killing, stealing, lying, or committing adultery, causing them to be beaten by others in this life, they will fall into evil realms in the next life. Even if they are born as humans, they will be born into poor families, without enough food and clothing, always suffering from hunger, thirst, cold, heat, and oppression, with thin bodies and pale complexions. Their relatives will all be unrighteous, sick, and die young. Once they hear my name, they wholeheartedly chant it, thanks to the power of that chanting, all their wishes will be fulfilled, they will have enough clothes, food, and drink, their bodies will be as fresh as the gods, and their relatives will be kind and gentle. They will continue to cultivate like that until they attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi.
    - The fourth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Anuttara-sambodhi, there are living beings who are violently disturbed by evil Yaksha gods, who take away their vital energy and have to suffer. When they hear my name, they chant it wholeheartedly, thanks to the power of that chanting, those Yaksha gods will all have compassion, and will voluntarily retreat, and they will be freed from all suffering. Just like that, practice until you attain the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    These are the four great and noble vows that Buddha Worry-Free Supreme Auspicious made while practicing the Bodhisattva path. If anyone hears the name of this Buddha, then wholeheartedly recites it day and night, worships and makes offerings. At the same time, gives rise to compassion for living beings, then all karmic obstacles will be eliminated, all suffering will be eliminated, there will be no illness, long life, attain knowledge of past lives, be born in a lotus flower, in the Worry-Free Realm, and will always be helped and protected by the gods.
    Chanting the name of Buddha Worry-Free Supreme Auspicious, attaining such immeasurable merits.
    5- Dharma-realm:
    The Lord of this world is Buddha Dharma-Sea-Sound, eight Ganges-sands of Buddha-lands away from this Saha world
    The Dharma realm is clean and solemn, the ground is made entirely of crystal, flat as the palm of a hand, always emitting light, exuding a fragrant scent. The citadel is built of precious jade, the roads are paved with gold and silver. The towers-palaces, roof-doors, and even railings are all decorated with precious gems. The trees give off a heavenly fragrance, growing in rows and distributed everywhere, on their branches are hung many beautiful silk ribbons of the heavens. When the wind blows gently, the sacred treasures sway, emitting sounds that expound the Dharma:
    - Impermanence-suffering-emptiness, and also non-self.
    Those who hear this Dharma sound, distance themselves from greed, gradually eliminate their habits, and attain deep concentration. In addition, countless fragrant heavenly flowers were scattered everywhere. On the four sides of the city, there were four bathing ponds, the bottom of which was covered with pure golden sand, and filled with fragrant water. In that Buddha's land, there were no evil paths and no women. All living beings were born from lotus flowers, and there were no more afflictions. When that Buddha Dharma Sea Sound practiced the Bodhisattva path, he made four great vows.
    - The first great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi, if some are born into families or clans with wrong views, do not believe in the Three Jewels, and stray from the Bodhisattva path. Once they hear my name, and wholeheartedly recite it, through the power of that recitation, their ignorance and wrong wisdom will be eliminated, and they will respect and believe in the Three Jewels, and will not retreat from the Unsurpassed Bodhisattva path.
    - The second great vow:
    I vow that in the future, when I attain Bodhi, if some are born in the borderlands, are close to bad friends, create evil karma, do not cultivate good dharma, and have never heard of the Three Jewels, after death they will surely fall into evil paths. But because of hearing my name, thanks to that power, karmic obstacles are eliminated, meeting good friends, not fall into evil paths. Just like that, practice until attaining the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    - The third great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain the Bodhi path. If living beings, because of lacking necessities such as Clothes, beds, mats, blankets, mosquito nets, clothing, food, drink, and medicine to cure illness, suffering, and sadness. Because of searching for those things, create bad karma. Once hearing my name, wholeheartedly chanting, thanks to the power of that chanting, everything is complete as desired. Just like that, practice until attaining the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    - The fourth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain the Bodhi path. If living beings, due to karma from previous lives, start fighting, doing useless things such as: Using bows and arrows, knives, swords, and sticks, causing harm to each other. When they hear my name, they chant it with all their heart, thanks to the power of that chanting, both sides will have compassion, not harm each other, not have evil thoughts, let alone killing each other; the mind is always joyful and forgiving. Just like that, practice until they attain the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    These are the four great and noble vows that Buddha Dharma Sea Sound made while practicing the Bodhisattva path. If men and women with pure faith hear the name of this Buddha, sincerely bow, and respectfully make offerings. Remember to recite and recite, all karmic obstacles will be eliminated, they will not fall back from the unsurpassed Bodhi path and will gain the wisdom of past lives. Wherever they are born, they will meet the Buddha, will not be sick, and will live long. After death, they will be born in a city, with all the necessities, food, drink, clothing, and medicine. Buddha Dharma Sea Sound has such immeasurable merits, that all living beings should remember and not forget them.
    6- The World of Good Dwelling Treasure Sea:
    The Lord of this world is Buddha Dharma Sea of ​​​​Victory Wisdom and Playful Supernatural Power, nine asamkhyeya Buddha lands away from Saha
    When Buddha Dharma Sea of ​​​​Victory Wisdom and Playful Supernatural Power practiced the Bodhisattva path, he made four great vows.
    - The first great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi, living beings commit evil deeds such as plowing, digging, harming the lives of insects, deceiving people, going to war, and killing the enemy. When they hear my name, wholeheartedly chanting, thanks to the power of that chanting, the daily necessities of life will be complete without having to seek, always doing good deeds. Just like that, practice until you attain Supreme Bodhi.
    - The second great vow: I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi. If sentient beings commit ten evil deeds such as killing, stealing, lying, adultery, etc., after death, they should fall into hell and suffer. When they hear my name, wholeheartedly recite it, they will immediately achieve the ten good deeds, and will not enter the evil path. Just like that, cultivate until they attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
    - Third great vow: I vow that in the future when I attain enlightenment sentient beings are servants to others, are not free, or are bound, or are shackled, chained, beaten, suffer pain, and even lose their lives. When they hear my name, wholeheartedly recite it, thanks to the power of that recitation, they will escape danger. Just like that, cultivate until they attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
    - The fourth great vow:
    I vow that in the future when I attain Bodhi living beings commit evil deeds, do not believe in the Three Jewels, give rise to false beliefs, abandon the right principles, close to evil friends, and criticize the scriptures. Thinking that the scriptures are not spoken by the Buddha, they believe in the books of non-Buddhists, and then teach them to others, causing all to fall into delusion. After death, they will fall into hell to suffer, with no day of release. If they are fortunate enough to be human, they will also fall into a place with eight calamities, far from the holy path. If this person hears my name, and wholeheartedly recites it, thanks to the power of that recitation, when about to die, they will abide in mindfulness, escape suffering, be born in the city, enjoy joy, and eventually attain the unsurpassed Bodhi.
    These are the four great and noble vows of the Buddha Dharma Sea of ​​Victory Wisdom and Playful Supernatural Power that he made while practicing the Bodhisattva path. Furthermore, the scenery and the solemnity of this Buddha-land are also similar to the Wonderful Treasure World of The Buddha Jewel Moon Wisdom Adornment Light Sound Self-Mastery King.
    7- The Pure Lapis Lazuli World:
    The master of this world is the Medicine Buddha.
    When the Medicine Buddha practiced the Bodhisattva path, he made twelve great vows.
    In short, the seven Medicine Buddhas each made great vows to save sentient beings. As you can see, the two near the Saha world each made eight vows. The other four each made four great vows, and the last one is the Medicine Buddha with twelve vows. In total, there are 44 great vows. Each vow is directed toward human beings. These 44 vows include all sentient beings and all types of karma. Therefore, anyone with pure faith directed toward the Eastern Pure Land will have their wishes fulfilled.
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