
By Nhat Quan
Living a
long and healthy life is a blessing and a dream for everyone
in this world.
From the
Buddhist point of view, longevity is not something given by
heaven or earth, nor given by others, but by your own karmic
force, which Buddhism calls:
- What you
do yourself, the consequences must be accepted by you.
Your good
deeds that are considered good karma can bring you endless
life for yourself, on the contrary, your own bad or evil
deeds will also be able to cut off the cause and effect of
long life and destroy your own happiness.
In the
Dharma Treasure Sutra, the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng said:
- All
blessings and retribution cannot be separated from the
cultivation of mind and ground.
With a pure
heart, every day you know how to promote good relations with
people, cultivate the predestined conditions of happiness,
and natural wealth will come to you, and live a hundred
years. As for the sinister mind, everything can go smoothly
and enjoy happiness, but in an instant, it will turn into a
disaster. For example, stealing and appropriating other
people's property, although achieving temporary happiness,
has potential causes of future imprisonment and suffering,
just like using the tip of the tongue to lick the honey on a
sword, although it is possible to enjoy a little sweet
honey, the tip of the tongue is also cut off or damaged.
although there are many unpleasant things in life, as long
as a kind heart and a compassionate mind always exist,
one-day disaster will also turn into happiness. A wicked
mind that does not know how to skillfully plant causes and
conditions of virtue will inevitably encounter poor and
short-lived retribution. Therefore, having the blessing of
longevity, the decision is that your mind must be honest. As
long as you can take good care of this heart, always care
and water it with drops of love. Contemplating it everywhere
at all times, not letting it get distracted, not letting it
go beyond the rules, but living every minute and every
second in mindfulness. Then the attainment of the dream of
living a long and healthy life is certain, no doubt. To do
so, in daily life, you have to cultivate yourself, according
to the Five Precepts that Buddhism explains, in which the
precept of not stealing can bring blessings, and not killing
can prolong life. Therefore, if you want to be blessed with
good fortune and have a healthy life, you must diligently
observe the Five Precepts of Buddhism to be able to achieve
Thus, from
this very day on you must firmly rely on the teachings of
the Buddha. The Buddha taught you to rely on yourself
because you are the creator of your own good and bad karma,
and the one who reaps the results of happiness or suffering
in proportion to your actions.
Good and bad
karma, happiness and suffering, heaven and hell are in your
mind. There are three types of action or karma: bodily
karma, verbal karma, and mental karma. When you create good
karma, happiness and heaven will follow. Conversely, when
you create unwholesome karma, suffering, and anxiety will be
the results that follow. After death, your mind will be
reborn in one of the four lower realms such as Asura, hell,
hungry ghosts, and animals. Therefore, the Buddha always
advises you to rely on yourself. You should not wait for
someone to create happiness and prosperity or heaven or
Nirvana for you, but you must create good karma for
The Buddha
was able to show the way to peace, happiness, and prosperity
and the way to suffering and degeneration. His teachings are
fully contained in the five precepts of lay Buddhists, or
more broadly, they are:
- Avoid
doing evil,
Do good and
Keep your
mind pure.
By not doing
evil deeds, you have created good karma or merit. Doing
charity or meritorious work is like depositing money in a
bank. The more you deposit, the more your money will
accumulate. Profits also increase and soon you will become
rich. Conversely, if you create Evil Karma, this is like
borrowing money from a bank, you have to pay back both the
principal and interest. Loans can become a burden for you.
Debtors are always in a state of anxiety and restlessness,
unlike those with deposits in the bank. These people are
always smiling because their money is always growing.
good karma is similar, it gives you happiness, and makes you
feel happy and satisfied. But when you create akusala karma,
you are like sitting on a fire. You become anxious and
insecure. Any of you can see this because maybe it's
happening in your mind right now, in this very moment,
without waiting for the next life. So, if you want to be
happy and prosperous, sleep well, and not suffer, you should
only create good karma and avoid creating unwholesome karma.
The Buddha
taught you ten ways to create merit or good karma:
The greatest
joy in life is not in how much you get, but in what you have
and appreciate. Knowing enough is the greatest wealth, the
one who can know enough is the richest man in the world.
Calculating gains and losses only bring more trouble,
suffering, and resentment. Happiness is in one thought, here
and now. That is the thought of love, the thought of
loving-kindness, the thought of great compassion, that does
not give rise to jealousy or envy, or is not upset about
winning or losing, that is the highest happiness. So:
- Don't
admire other people's wealth, don't be sad because you're
poor, know enough, the mind is always happy, don't seek high
quality is this principle.
Human life
is short, illusory like bubbles on the water, how much
precious time have you wasted every day on eating and
drinking, while the rest of your life has not much time left
and is still filled with greed, hatred, and sad. This kind
of dream-like happiness is not the object that you really
seek, so the ancients often advise, if at all:
- Praying
for blessings should be eternal blessings
life span should increase immeasurable life
Pray for
blessings, pray for wisdom blessings
life should increase compassion in life
If you seek
blessings, you should seek eternal blessings forever, but
you should not seek short-lived blessings, as the Vajra
Sutra says:
happiness of this life is finite and conditioned. Eternal
happiness is limitless, immeasurable, endless,
unconditioned, so thieves cannot steal, enemies cannot take,
that is full and eternal happiness.
Hence two
- Praying
for blessings should be eternal blessings,
life span should increase immeasurable life
If you need
longevity, you should pursue a true life, seek eternal life,
immortality. In order to have a long life, normally you may
have done many good deeds, and given a lot of money, but
that merit is not equal to the merit of listening to the
Buddhadharma, because as soon as you have heard the Dharma
with a joyful mind, there is no more ego. This kind of mind
of joy and non-greed, non-conceptual is the Buddha mind.
With this immaculate Buddha mind, it is the realm of
immeasurable life, unborn, undying, and pure nirvana. Thus,
those who participate in listening to the Dharma lecture can
be said to have achieved some part of eternal happiness, and
have an immeasurable life!
Pray for
blessings, pray wisdom blessings,
life should increase compassion life.
There is an
only blessing, without wisdom, it is like a one-wheeled
vehicle that is difficult to run, a single-winged bird that
is difficult or impossible to fly, so it is necessary to
reconcile merit and wisdom to complete merit. With blessings
and wisdom, you can use wisdom to bring your blessings to
help all sentient beings. In the same way, just having
longevity without knowing how to do good deeds, this kind of
longevity really has no meaning. Therefore, you need to
pursue the blessings of wisdom, the life of compassion, like
Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, through many lifetimes and many
kalpas of saving sentient beings, taking the achievements of
others, to fulfill himself.
So in
addition to the five precepts, you also have ten cultivation
ways to make you live a long and healthy life.
1- Giving:
Giving generously, giving alms, making offerings. Giving
without expecting a return from the receiver. By giving, you
can overcome greed and make yourself happy and satisfied.
2- Precepts:
Moral and
ethical purity prevents an individual from deviating from
the Noble Eightfold Path. Keeping the precepts also helps
individuals to refrain from unwholesome actions. Precepts
are to avoid harming others through words, or actions such
as killing, stealing, committing adultery, lying, and
drinking intoxicants, as these can harm you and others.
Keeping the Precepts helps you to get rid of the stress,
restlessness, and anxiety that arise from misbehavior.
Because, when you lie, cheat or steal, you worry about
getting caught and punished.
3- Spiritual
spirituality through meditation helps you to purge
defilements, desires, cravings, anger, and delusion from
your mind. These afflictions make you miserable.
developing concentration and wisdom, the Buddha eventually
attained Enlightenment and later became a Buddha, who
discovered on his own the path to liberation after a long
period of practice. He also became an Arahant, a pure being
free from afflictions and worthy of offerings. Along with
Liberation, Buddha also realized the ultimate happiness,
happiness that surpasses all happiness in this world such as
wealth, position, praise, or sensual pleasures.
The only way
you can have this ultimate happiness is through the practice
of developing the mind, developing concentration and wisdom
until the mind realizes liberation from all forms of
4- The
Return of the Blessing
You don't
need to dedicate merit to living people because they can
create their own merit which may be even greater than what
you are doing for yourself. Beings in the realm of the
hungry ghosts, on the other hand, cannot do this and must
rely on those who are still alive to do good deeds to
dedicate their blessings. Beings who are reborn in the human
and celestial realms have accumulated enough good karma to
keep them satisfied or happy, or they can create more merit
on their own if they so wish. The beings who are reborn in
the hell realm also cannot receive your meritorious
dedication because they have been completely destroyed by
the flames of suffering.
living in the realm of the hungry ghosts yearn for
blessings, they need you to dedicate to them, just like
beggars. Only a small amount of the blessings you accumulate
can also be shared with them. So, every time you do
something right or good like doing charity and want to do
something for the people who have passed like your family
members, or friends... You can dedicate this blessing to
merit to those who have passed means sharing the joy that
arises from your good or right deeds. The beings who receive
your dedication are those who have passed away and are
reborn and the hungry ghost realm is beings of the lower
realms, sometimes capable of appearing to humans. Hungry
ghosts are often described in Buddhism as hungry and thirsty
beings with mouths as small as the hole of a needle end so
they cannot swallow enough food to quench their hunger.
You can
accumulate more blessings for yourself like what you do
today, go to the temple to make offerings, keep the
Precepts, and listen to the Dharma talk. By doing these
things, you will receive more blessings than what sentient
beings in the world of the hungry ghosts receive. Every time
you make an offering, you should share your blessings with
those who have passed. If they are waiting for you to send
blessings to them, they will receive and you will also
receive more blessings by sharing this blessing.
5- The joy
of seeing a blessing maker:
Rejoicing in
merit is rejoicing with those who have done right or good
deeds. When you express your appreciation, you will feel
elated. Right or good action does not harm anyone, it only
brings benefit. Even if you don't directly benefit from
doing this, you shouldn't feel jealous because it's a form
of affliction that only makes you feel miserable. On the
contrary, if you rejoice and express your admiration for
this good deed, you will be happy. Right or good deeds are
like waves in the ocean that will eventually hit the shore,
sooner or later benefit will come to you. When one person in
a community acts rightly or well, the whole community
benefits because it brings safety and happiness. That
community will become a good community and live happily.
When the community lives in peace and happiness, you and the
people living in that community will benefit. So when you
see people doing right and good deeds, you must express your
support and admiration for them.
6- Serving
others is already clear to you, so there is no need to go
into detail.
7- Humility
Humility is
a virtue that only makes others like you, for it is the
opposite of pride which only leads to anger. If you still
need support and goodwill from others and don't want to be
alienated, you should be humble.
8- Right
Having the
right view is understanding the law of nature that is cause
and effect, or the truth that governs your existence. You
are your own refuge, for you are the one who makes yourself
happy, sad, good, or bad. When you understand this, you will
know how to live a happy and prosperous life, because you
understand that through right or good deeds you will be
happy and if you act wrong or unwholesome, you will suffer.
9- Listen to
the Dharma
Hearing the
Dharma is a very beneficial experience because the Dharma is
like a lamp that dispels darkness, a lamp of wisdom that
will dispel illusions in your mind and make you see the
truth with clarity. There is no benefit to be gained from
associating with cheaters. So you should stick with people
who are honest and wise, like the Buddha and his noble
disciples, who have seen the light of the Dhamma and through
that they know right from wrong, good and bad. If you
regularly listen to them teach the Dharma, you will gain
knowledge, wisdom, and insight, which enable you to do only
what is good and right and thus produce good and favorable
results. For these reasons, hearing about the Dharma is
another way to create merit.
10- Teaching
the Dharma
Teaching the
Dharma to others is another way to create merit. If you know
about the Dharma, even a little, you should teach it to
others. When someone you know is going through a difficult
time and doesn't know how to get out of it, a few pieces of
advice from the Dharma can be extremely helpful and can help
that person that gets out of the predicament.
To live a
long and healthy life, in addition to practicing the five
precepts and ten auspicious things that I have just
introduced to you to practice meritorious deeds, you can
also have other ways to create merit. As once the Blessed
One was staying at Vesali, in the Great Forest. At that time
the Buddha went to visit a bhikkhu who was ill. Then he said
to the bhikkhus: Monks, there are five things that do not
increase life span:
- Working
- Not
knowing moderation is the right thing,
- Eat
undigested foods,
- Timeless
travel and
- Live
without virtue.
These five
dharmas, bhikkhus, do not increase their life span. But,
bhikkhus, there are five dharma practitioners that increase
- Do the
right thing,
- Knowing
moderation in the right thing,
- Eat
digestible foods,
- Travel at
the right time and
- Live a
virtuous life.
These five
dharmas, bhikkhus, increase life span.
Indeed, when
you eat you not only eat rice, you also eat vegetables,
fruits, and other foods. Your body needs five food groups to
be strong and healthy. Likewise, your mind will only grow if
you practice the ten ways to create good karma. So it is
your job to put what you hear today into practice. Then, and
only then, will you reap favorable results that bring you
happiness and prosperity?
In short, in
order to live a long and healthy life, according to the
wisdom of the Buddha, in addition to keeping the five
precepts, and doing the ten things I have just suggested,
you also need to develop and adhere to the five conditions
in life living. That is:
- Have a
suitable and honest job;
- Work in
- Know how
to rest; eat in moderation, and nutrition;
- Travel in
good weather
- And
lastly, to maintain morality and personality, not fall into
passion, corruption, and debauchery.
Living healthy, eating in moderation, working in moderation,
and keeping a peaceful mind are common human trends in
modern life to live a long and healthy life. Because the
completeness of material facilities along with the
diversified industrial and recreational rhythms of modern
life is still not enough to serve human health, sometimes it
has the opposite effect.
diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and psychological
disorders... commonly known as rich people's diseases are
very common. One of the reasons contributing to the increase
in traffic accidents is due to binge eating which leads to a
loss of self-control. The pandemic of the century, AIDS and
Covid-19 are the horrors of everyone, mostly stemming from
carelessness, promiscuous relationships, licentiousness,
jealousy, and envy.
The five
precepts, the ten things to cultivate good karma, and the
five conditions mentioned above, although they have been
declared since ancient times, have not been widely
disseminated to people in civilized times like today.
Building a healthy lifestyle, and keeping the body and mind
calm and light is one of the most effective therapies to
stay healthy.
Don't regret
it before it's too late, don't waste your health and life
because once lost you can never get it back. Live well and
practice the Buddha's teachings to have a happy, healthy,
and long life.
If you have any recommendations,
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